This era of computers games is very interesting, as it was nearly the end of video games in the early 1980s, but picked up around 1985, with much help from the release of the NES. Then towards the beginning of the 1990s, which is also when i was born, came along the 3D games. The 1990s is the first period i have firsthand experience with.
In the beginning of the 1980s as PCs where smaller and more affordable. You could do more than just work on them, you could also play games on them. The first of these where mainly text based adventures like Zork. Around this time is also when games consoles nearly failed completely, as so many consoles and games where being sold, which were also very similar. This is one of the reasons for the video games industry crash in 1983.
In about 1985 the Nintendo Entertainment System was released (NES). Ninetendo then allowed third party developers to make games for their console, which helped for it success. This console is considered to be very important and successful in the history of video games. Games and characters where created on this console which still live on today, like super Mario bros, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy.
The 1990s is one of my favourite eras, as this is when games became 3D and when i was born. Even though i started playing games when i was very young, i have many memories (maybe more than my "real" life sadly) and haven't stopped since. The most memorable console for this time was the Sega Mega Drive. This console was initially competing against the 8-Bit NES and being a 16-bit system it sold much better and dominated the market untill the Nintendos SNES was realised. The SNES quickly caught up with the Sega Mega Drive even though it was realised 2 years after, both consoles where about equal in competition for a few years.
The Game Boy was a very successful hand held console which was released in 1989. I also remember this and the Game Boy Colour very well, games like the Pokemon series were very popular in my child hood.
3d games such as Wolfenstein (released in 1992) and Doom (released in 1993) became very popular. They are basically the beginning of first person shooters. Doom sold very well and set the standards for almost all first person shooters today. It was also playable online through co-op or deathmatch.
The next wave of games consoles were the 32-bit ones, including the Sega Saturn, Playstation and Nintendo 64. I also remember these consoles very well, except maybe not the Sega Saturn so much, which didn't do very well in sales in Europe. The Playstation was known as the best system (from my point of view) until its main competitor the Nintendo 64 was realised.
I remember the playstation very well and was one of my favourite consoles. I enjoyed games such as Road Rash, Worms, Resident Evil, Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider etc.The Nintendo 64 was also a good console although it still used ROM cartridges which limieted the game devlopers. I think it had a limited number of games, but some very good ones like Perfect Dark, GoldenEye 007 and Super Mario 64.
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